Adam Carey
Financial Planner

MFP, MBA, F.Fin, B.Sc.
Adam has a Master’s degree in Financial Planning from Deakin University, specialising in social responsible investment. His thesis evaluated how Australian socially responsible managed funds screen their investments. He now enjoys helping his clients select investments that reflect their personal and ethical values. Adam is currently a panel member of the Policy and Advocacy Technical Experts Group for Responsible Investment Association of Australasia.
Prior to his involvement in financial planning, Adam’s career of almost 35 years has spanned investment banking, corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions and water & environmental consultancy. Adam also has an MBA from Melbourne Business School and a science degree from Monash University. He came top of his year in Financial Planning at Deakin.
Adam and his partner have twins and all are keen travellers. When he is at home he can be found in his beloved organic veggie garden.
Adam believes that the way we chose to invest will ultimately shape the world we live in, particularly in regards to addressing the environmental and social impact of the companies we invest in.