Frequently Asked Questions

Does investing ethically mean I get lower returns?

Not at all! In fact, the Responsible Investment Association’s Benchmark Report states that ‘Australian and multi-sector responsible investment funds outperformed mainstream funds over every time horizon’.

Does it cost me anything for an initial meeting with an adviser?

The initial consultation with an adviser is at no cost to you.

Do you charge a one-off fee or flat fee for financial advice?

We charge a fee for ongoing service.

Do you give advice on property?

We do not provide advice on property.

Do you give advice on insurance?

We can provide advice on insurance, although depending on what’s involved, we may refer you to an insurance specialist.

Do you provide tax advice for my SMSF or personal finances?

No, however, we have strong relationships with a number of accountants who we would be happy to refer you to (if you don’t have one already).

How do your fees work?

For the most part, we charge a percentage fee based on assets under management. Some clients may prefer a fixed fee though.

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